Social Media in Health Care

healthcare social media
In light of our recent focus on social media in health care, we thought we might share this hilarious, yet oddly succinct, breakdown of social media into terms we all know and understand. DONUTS.

Now we will break it down into other terms, not quite as yummy, but still understandable. MRI.

Twitter: Check out our discounted #MRI services, today only! http:linktoyourwebsiteaboutMRIs

Faceebook: We love MRIs and our patient feedback! Like Us and Our MRIs!

Foursquare: This is where we go for cheap MRIs and great patient care!

Instagram: Here’s a vintage photo of our staff at our MRI facility!

YouTube: Check out this video about our **NEW** MRI technology and the story of a woman whose life was saved because of it.

LinkedIn:All of our MRI technicians are a part of this indsutry group MRI Techs and their skills include the following…

Pinterest:Here are unique ways to decorate your MRI facility!

Last FM: Currently listening to songs about… MRIs… wait. This one doesn’t really apply.

Google+: Here is a circle of our Radiologists, here’s a circle of our referring physicians, here’s a circle of our top patients, here’s a circle of our techs, here’s a circle of our competitors… now I’m dizzy.

SaveOnMedical: Here is where you can shop for your MRI!