symptoms of acid reflux

5 Ways Reflux Is Ruining Your Life

If you suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease, you may frequently encounter people who don’t understand just how much the symptoms of acid reflux affect your daily life. Many people think that reflux is “just” heartburn. They don’t understand the wide variety of other symptoms reflux produces and the serious impact these can have on everyday activities that most people don’t think twice about. Continue Reading Article >

3 Strange Symptoms of Reflux and How To Overcome Them

We all know the symptoms that come along acid reflux. There’s the bloating, heartburn, and stomach cramps that always follow your favorite meal, but there are also symptoms you could be experiencing that are less common among people suffering from reflux. However, people who suffer from acid reflux may come across these unique symptoms and there are most certainly ways to battle the symptoms when they arise. Here's the top three rare symptoms of reflux and how to combat them. Continue Reading Article >