Ovulation Calendar: Your Most Fertile Days

signs of ovulation, ovulation calendar, ovulation

Most people have a calendar themed with puppies, their favorite sports team, etc. Did you know women trying to conceive have ovulation themed calendars? That's right. If you're on your way to getting pregnant, you need to be equipped with your own ovulation calendar. Here's a breakdown of the in's and out's of ovulation calendars.

The Why:

The menstrual cycle works like this: First, you’re at your most fertile. An egg is reaching maturity in your ovary and your uterus is preparing to create a baby for you. Then, once it’s ready, the egg is released through the fallopian tube and into the uterus where it hopes to meet a lucky sperm. If no such introduction is made, the egg along with the uterine wall falls out, and this is the monthly gift with which most women are the most familiar: menstruation.

Ovulation tracking is important because the best time to get pregnant is before your period, and how do you know when that is unless you’re paying attention? It’s true that every woman’s cycle is different, and this method is really only helpful to women with regular periods, but it’s always a good idea to be aware of what’s going on with your body.

But you want to know when can I get pregnant? “For women who have a 28 to 31 day menstrual cycle, ovulation can take place between days 11 through 21...You’re most fertile from two to three days before you ovulate through the day of ovulation. If you know when you’ll ovulate, you can time sex accordingly and boost your chances of getting pregnant.”

The How:

If you want to know how to get pregnant using simply your calendar (and, well, your partner will help too), you can count back 12 days from the day you expect to start your period. From this date through the next five days, that’s probably when you’re at your most fertile.

You can also keep track of your basal body temperature. The few days after ovulation, your temperature should rise. It’s a small increase (usually just 0.4-1.0 degree Fahrenheit), but noticing this means your ovulation has begun. Remember though, you’re most fertile before you ovulate, so this is a tracking tool you can use to predict future ovulation and not a green light to get started that day.

Your body has other ways of telling you it’s ready. If you notice a change in vaginal discharge (increased clear, slippery mucus, similar to raw egg whites) and mild cramping mean it’s ovulation time.

Do you feel like you're ready to start your own ovulation calendar? There are also simple over-the-counter tests you can take, called ovulation predictor kits, that act as ovulation calculators and can help give you a clearer picture of when you should be ovulating. Be sure to create your own ovulation calendar with these tips1

Free Online Trackers:

      Baby Center 

      American Pregnancy 

      First Response 

      March of Dimes 

By Joanna Hynes