hot to lose body fat with exercise

How To Lose Body Fat With Exercise

how to lose body fat with exercise

The secret to weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. You can do this by reducing calories from the foods you eat and exercising to lose body fat.  This is an equation the helps you get started on a plan for weight loss.  When you’re active you burn more calories because you’re moving around. Whether you’re young or old, there is a form of exercise that will helps you learn how to lose body fat.

Exercise for Weight Loss

You’ve probably already at this point asked yourself the question, “can I lose weight without exercising?” You’ve probably also already determined that for most people, the answer is no. If you don’t like regular exercise, you will find cleaning the house, gardening, going up and down stairs, shopping, or making the bed are all forms of exercise.  A regular routine of cleaning the house daily is exercise.  Exercise should be structured and something that you do regularly, so common every day activities is one method on how to lose body fat.

No matter what type of exercise you use, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate regular exercise a week or 75 minutes of aerobic exercise.  When dieting to lose weight, you need more physical exercise.  Most people don’t have control over their metabolism, but the more active you are the more calories you will burn.

Aerobic exercise burns more calories than many forms of exercise. It helps you lose body fat more quickly.  These activities include biking, walking, and swimming.  About 30 minutes of activity in your daily routine is recommended.  Strength training and regular exercise is a way of building muscles, and muscle tissue burns more muscle than fat.  Muscle mass is an important part of weight loss.

Another way to burn more calories is to force tiny bits of exercise into your daily routine. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park further from the store or where you work and walk. Keep a regular routine of cleaning, gardening and exercising. It important to increase the amount of exercise to lose body fat. This is because every time you exercise you burn more calories and fat.

Aerobic classes, joining a gym, racquetball, running, or jogging are all sports that help burn calories.  Get an exercise bike if you’re a person that watches TV or sits in front of the computer for hours.  Try different types of exercise if you like variety.  Drink plenty of water--this helps our body burn calories too. Make a healthy diet a part of the plan for losing body fat.

Choose an exercise you enjoy and stick to a regular routine. Vary the location of where you exercise if you walk, run, jog, or bike to make it interesting.  When you exercise, do it to build muscle and improve self -esteem.  Remember that liking the type of exercise you do will keep you motivated to stay with it.  This will help you lose body fat over the long haul. 

Written by: Joan Russell