healthcare marketing tips

4 Marketing Tips You Can Implement Yourself To Keep Your Practice Front Of Mind During COVID-19

COVID-19 is having a devastating impact on healthcare companies across the country, and many practice owners are left wondering what they can do to staunch the bleeding and ensure that revenue increases once things go back to normal. Whether you’re partnered with a marketing agency or not, it’s crucial now more than ever that you take steps to keep your practice front-of-mind for patients and ensure that they return once things go back to normal. Here are 4 marketing tips you can implement yourself during COVID-19:

Impact Of Social Media Platforms On Medical Marketing

It’s safe to say that social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook completely dominate as online marketing platforms. Consumers look to these websites to determine the scope, purpose, and credibility of a business, as well as to determine whether they offer something they’re interested in. Research like this is part of becoming an educated consumer, and that’s why it is important as a healthcare business to create the image you want for your healthcare practice or business through online marketing.

5 Ways to Make Your Patients Truly Feel Like Stars

Your patient’s satisfaction with your healthcare services is an important aspect of customer service. Patients become consumers when they go to the doctor’s office, hospital, or clinic. Improving customer satisfaction and providing patient-centered care should be an important part of your business. Social media and healthcare marketing are an important aspect of the mix for patient satisfaction. Continue Reading Article >

Healthcare Marketing: Why Patient Communication is Essential

Patient communication is a vital part in clinical practice. If done well, it provides a therapeutic effect for the patient. Patients who understand their physicians are more likely to acknowledge health problems and their treatment options. Research has shown that effective communication can also help a patient's health as much as pharmaceutical drugs. However, some physicians don't take this communication seriously within their healthcare practice and here are some reasons why they should. Continue Reading Article >

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Healthcare Marketing Agency

In recent years, medical marketing has become much more expansive as the marketing techniques and capacities have grown through the age of the internet. New and improved platforms have resulted in new and improved marketing strategies for medical practices. However, with the development of many newer marketing ideas, such as healthcare social media, it can be difficult for any practice to manage their own marketing strategies. Continue Reading Article >