Soup Diet: Does It Really Work?

Soup Diet: Does it really work?

The soup diet is considered a fad diet by most doctors.  It is suited for younger men and women and those that do not suffer from serious medical conditions. It helps you lose 10 pounds within the week by eating cabbage soup every day. The other foods that are allowed are fruits, raw and cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, skim milk, beef, fruit juice, and brown rice. 

How It Works:

On the Cabbage Soup Diet website they have several recipes for cabbage soup to use. It is recommended that when you try the diet you only try it for one week. On the first day you can eat any fruits except bananas, the cabbage soup, and drink as much unsweetened tea, coffee, cranberry juice or water that you want.  The second day you can eat as many raw or cooked vegetables as you want, soup, and a large baked potato with butter and no fruit.  On day three eat as much fruit as you want, vegetables, and the soup but no baked potato.

Day four allows up to eight bananas and skim milk, and you are allowed as much soup as you want. On the fifth day you can have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and six fresh tomatoes (or a large tin). Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water, eat soup, and substitute skinless chicken or fish for beef if you wish.  On the sixth day eat beef with fresh vegetables or salad, and eat soup at least once.  On the 7th day eat brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, vegetables, and soup.

Weight loss on the soup diet is often a combination of fat and water loss. You may even lose muscle too.  The diet is low in complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.  It can be high in sodium depending on the cabbage soup recipe, but this can be adjusted by using less salt. It limits calorie intake to lose weight quickly. This can leave you feeling weak and hungry.

Doctors think it works but after losing weight you may put it back on quickly.  Those with chronic conditions should talk to a doctor before trying it. After one week eating the same foods does become rather boring. This means you’re less likely to stick to it. It is almost like fasting to lose weight.

Overall the Soup Diet does work, but weight loss may be only temporary. Do not try this diet for more than one week. After weight loss, have a sensible weight loss diet plan and exercise to lose weight over the long term. Remember that long term weight loss means adopting healthy eating habits and exercise. 

By Joan Russell

How To Lose Body Fat With Exercise

how to lose body fat with exercise

The secret to weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. You can do this by reducing calories from the foods you eat and exercising to lose body fat.  This is an equation the helps you get started on a plan for weight loss.  When you’re active you burn more calories because you’re moving around. Whether you’re young or old, there is a form of exercise that will helps you learn how to lose body fat.

Exercise for Weight Loss

You’ve probably already at this point asked yourself the question, “can I lose weight without exercising?” You’ve probably also already determined that for most people, the answer is no. If you don’t like regular exercise, you will find cleaning the house, gardening, going up and down stairs, shopping, or making the bed are all forms of exercise.  A regular routine of cleaning the house daily is exercise.  Exercise should be structured and something that you do regularly, so common every day activities is one method on how to lose body fat.

No matter what type of exercise you use, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate regular exercise a week or 75 minutes of aerobic exercise.  When dieting to lose weight, you need more physical exercise.  Most people don’t have control over their metabolism, but the more active you are the more calories you will burn.

Aerobic exercise burns more calories than many forms of exercise. It helps you lose body fat more quickly.  These activities include biking, walking, and swimming.  About 30 minutes of activity in your daily routine is recommended.  Strength training and regular exercise is a way of building muscles, and muscle tissue burns more muscle than fat.  Muscle mass is an important part of weight loss.

Another way to burn more calories is to force tiny bits of exercise into your daily routine. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park further from the store or where you work and walk. Keep a regular routine of cleaning, gardening and exercising. It important to increase the amount of exercise to lose body fat. This is because every time you exercise you burn more calories and fat.

Aerobic classes, joining a gym, racquetball, running, or jogging are all sports that help burn calories.  Get an exercise bike if you’re a person that watches TV or sits in front of the computer for hours.  Try different types of exercise if you like variety.  Drink plenty of water--this helps our body burn calories too. Make a healthy diet a part of the plan for losing body fat.

Choose an exercise you enjoy and stick to a regular routine. Vary the location of where you exercise if you walk, run, jog, or bike to make it interesting.  When you exercise, do it to build muscle and improve self -esteem.  Remember that liking the type of exercise you do will keep you motivated to stay with it.  This will help you lose body fat over the long haul. 

Written by: Joan Russell

10 Tips For Getting To Your Ideal Body Weight

10 tips for getting to your ideal body weight

Ideal body weight. It’s that elusive goal you’ve probably been working on and off for years now to reach, but that you were never quite able to accomplish. We’re all familiar with our ideal body weight, but knowing how much we’re supposed to weigh and actually getting to that weight are two totally different things. It can be tough to lose those last few pounds and get down to your ideal body weight, but there are a few tricks you can try that will make the process easier!

1. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

You should be drinking at least half a gallon of water per day, and if you are exercising regularly this amount only increases. Keeping your body happy is very important… you only get one. Drinking water not only helps make you feel full and beat cravings, but is beneficial to skincare, circulation of nutrients in the body, and losing body fat. You can calculate your BMI here.

2. Keep a Food and Exercise Journal

If hiring a personal trainer isn’t a part of your budget, don’t worry. Keeping yourself accountable in the kitchen and the gym is easier than you think. Journaling is a fun and easy way to stay on track for your ideal body weight.

3. Don’t Over Do it

Losing body fat and weight is not an over-night kind of process (bummer). Binge diets designed to “lose weight quick” are not healthy, and will not leave you with permanent desired results. The best way to stay motivated is to make a realistic goal.

4. Do Thirty Minutes of Aerobic Exercise a Day

One of the best ways to lose body fat and reach your ideal body weight is through aerobic exercises or cardio. These can be tedious so I recommend bringing a nook, or download Netflix onto your phone.

·      Walking burns 300-400 cal/hour

·      Running burns 600 cal/hour

·      Swimming burns roughly 600 cal/hour

·      Rowing burns 840 cal/hour

5. Set Out Your Gym Clothes Ahead of Time

How often do you get to the gym only to realize you’ve left your socks, sports bra, sneakers, or any other necessary item at home? You leave the gym annoyed and over it, and there goes your workout for the day. The best way to beat this problem is to pack ahead of time, and maybe keep an extra pair of socks in the glove compartment just in case.

6. Make the Gym Fun

Seems impossible right… but its not! Make a gym buddy and keep each other accountable. Cardio can be such a boring exercise, but when walking (running, biking, etc.) it is much more fun to do it with a partner who can laugh, or cry, along with you.

7. Pick Up the Pace

Going to the gym and going to the gym are two completely different things. You can spend hours a day in the gym and leave without ever feeling that fat burning sensation. Push yourself past your comfort zone, run faster, bike harder and results will come.

8. Eat 5-6 Small Meals a Day

This is beneficial for many reasons. Smaller meals are easier for your metabolism to break down, and eating more often will keep you fuller throughout the day and stop you from snacking on chocolate in the break room.

9. Pack Healthy Snacks

There is nothing quite like that three o’clock craving. Instead of heading to Starbucks for a frappe or to McDonalds for a “snack size” McFlurry, try packing yourself healthy snacks like almonds, rice cakes, celery and hummus, etc. Your body will thank you.

10. Don’t Get Discouraged

Last of all, don’t let one number rule your life. If your weight isn’t dropping like you want it to, take a look in the mirror. After going to the gym and eating healthier do you feel better about yourself? Are you more toned? If any of these answers is a yes then you are on the right track and you should be proud!

Written by: Maren Burns

Walking To Lose Weight: How To Get Your Ideal Body Weight

walking to lose weight: how to get your ideal body weight

There are many different paths to weight loss, but one of the paths most travelled? Walking for weight loss. There are several benefits to walking. Brisk walking daily helps to maintain a healthy body weight.  Additionally, when you suffer from chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer, walking can help manage the illness better.  It will strengthen your bones and muscles while improving your mood at the same time. These are just some of the many benefits of walking.

Preparing to Walk for Weight Loss

Many people choose to use walking as a form of exercise and a way to lose weight if they’re over their ideal body weight. This can be a particularly great approach if you’re very overweight, have issues with movement, or are perhaps elderly and more frail. To calculate your ideal body weight  use the Ideal Weight Calculator at You have to put in your age, sex, and height into the boxes. It will calculate the ideal body weight range that you should be in.  This will give you an idea how many pounds you have to lose, and help determine how you should structure your walking workout regimen. 

When walking to lose weight  the goal should be to lose at a moderate pace. You’re not trying to drop ten pounds each week, you’re slowly working towards a steady and consistent long-term weight loss goal. The technique of how you walk is important. Keep your head and back straight and look forward not at the ground.  You   should swing your arms with a slight bend in the elbow. Relax your shoulders, neck and back. Walk on your feet from foot to heel.

Before walking, find the right shoes sneakers or athletic. They should have good arch support, padded soles to support your feet, and thick sole on the bottom.  Wear comfortable clothing designed for different types of weather. When walking at night, wear bright clothing with reflective tape.  Choose where you walk carefully, and try to avoid cracked sidewalks, potholes, fallen limbs, and areas not designed for walking.  When the weather is bad, consider walking in a large mall or store for exercise.

Strive to walk about 30 minutes daily. When beginning, try an interval type of training. Start slowly, walking about 10 minutes at a slower pace.  For the next 10 minutes, walk briskly like you were late to catch a bus or train. Toward the end of the walk slow down so your body can cool down.  When arriving home, do a few exercises to stretch your muscles.

Make sure to keep track of how many miles you walk and how long it takes in a journal. Stay motivated by varying where you walk. Walk in the neighborhood or local park during the week and drive out of town on weekends to towns or state parks. Even a casual walk will burn 150+ calories per walk.

More Tips for Healthy Weight Loss by Walking

To burn more fat, increase the amount of time you walk and the times per week.  Consume a healthy well balanced diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish and poultry.  Strive to walk further, not faster, and build endurance at a steady pace. Keep a journal of the time of day you walk, how many miles, time needed to complete the walk, locations, and how much you lost.

To maintain a  healthy weight  know the route you are walking.  You won’t have to devise a route last minute and will be prepared.  You might want to have a variety of places to walk near your home or living space with different lengths and times to add variety to your routine.

Prepare for different weather conditions. Wear warm clothing when it’s cold. Walk when the sun is out in the winter and in the summer try early morning or later at night when it’s cooler.  When it rains or snows try to find an indoor mall or store to walk in. Drink some water before walking or bring it with you this may prevent weight loss.

Walking isn’t the best weight loss approach for everyone, but it’s certainly an effective option for certain individuals. Make sure to check with your doctor before you take on a walking routine. Remember that walking with a healthy diet improves chronic conditions and helps you lose rate at a moderate rate to reach your ideal body weight. 

Written by: Joan Russell

Can You Lose Weight Without Exercising?

can you really lose weight without exercising

Do you know your ideal weight? If you do, have you reached it? Kudos to you if you’re aware of the perfect weight for you, and you deserve even more pats on the back if you’ve reached it. You’re a better person than we are. Some people are great about getting out there, about hitting the gym and exercising five times a week to help stay in shape and lose weight. There are a lot of people out there that are more like us, though, people who desperately want to make changes and lose some weight but can’t seem to get the exercising part of it down. It raises the big question: “is it still possible to lose weight without exercising?” It may surprise you to know that the answer is yes, there are a few ways to lose weight without exercise.

Not all of us have time to hit the gym or jump on that treadmill in your guest room. Some of us may even be prevented from exercising due to injury or age. We’ve got a few tips and tricks to help you lose weight in other ways.

Add some protein to your diet.

Beginning with the first meal of the day, add some protein. If you start your day with cereal, you may think about adding eggs, a good protein-rich option. In one study, overweight women who chose eggs for their morning meal ate fewer calories at lunch compared to those who ate a grain-based breakfast. They ended up eating fewer calories for the rest of the day and during the next 36 hours. One of the best things about protein is that it increases the sense of being full and keeps you from overeating.

Consider eating smaller portions.

It makes sense that if you consume less calories and carbs, the need to burn off those calories and carbs isn’t as urgent. While you’re eating less, also try to enjoy your meal without distractions. Many of us are social eaters, and if food is in front of us we can’t help from shoving it down. Turning off the TV and the computer game while you’re munching on veggies can help you focus a lot more on how quickly you’re eating. Slow down a little and you may even enjoy your meal more!

Be conscious of what you’re watching.

While we’re discussing TV as a distraction, make sure to limit those cooking shows. Research shows that women who copy those delish recipes from the smiling chefs actually weigh more than those who don’t.

Put away the scale.

Your focus should be on establishing healthier eating habits versus stressing over the number staring at you between your feet every morning. You’ll know when that new pair of pants slides on easier than it did last month.

Cool it with the late night snacks.

Let’s admit it, we all know those late night snacks, as delicious as they are, aren’t doing you any favors. Instead of using a tub of ice cream or something munchy to help wind down every evening, place those cheese crackers back on the shelf and consider a little meditation to chill out from all the stresses of your day.

Weight loss is tricky, and it’s different for everyone. Exercise is obviously a big part of serious weight loss, but while you may not be able to lose weight in a week without exercising, these tips can certainly help kick start a new path to a thinner, healthier you.

Written by: Cindy Stephens

Can You Really Lose Weight In Just 3 Days?

can you really lose weight in just 3 days

We live in an era when faster is better. Whether it is your wifi or online shipping, nothing seems to be fast enough. People even order takeout online, ahead of time, at places like Taco Bell and Panera, just so they won’t need to spend any time waiting! Ironically, just like we don’t like to wait for our Taco Bell, we don’t like to wait to see weight loss results from our newest diets. Because of this, people want diets that will show them how to drop weight fast.

Per usual, the diet inventors of our world were on top of what people wanted and created a new wave of diets aimed toward helping people lose weight in 3 days. Among these diets are The 3 Day Diet and The Military Diet. Now, before anyone gets too excited, it’s important to remember the number one principle regarding diets: If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! However, this principle isn’t necessarily true 100% of the time, so we looked for the real answers.

3-Day Diet Plans:

For those of you who haven’t heard about them, 3-day diet plans are diets that last over the span of 3-days, like the weekend. They’re most commonly called just the 3-Day Diet, or the 3-Day Military Diet. The main concept behind this type of diet is to intensely reduce your caloric intake for 3 days to drop a large amount of weight quickly. Typically, these diets suggest that someone on their diet can expect weight loss up to 10 pounds throughout the duration of the diet.

If you’re waiting to hear some sort of secret ingredient to this diet, then you’re wasting your time. It really is that simple, this diet works merely by making major decreases to the amount of calories you eat. And by major decreases, they mean that you eat, on average, somewhere between 850 and 950 calories per day. Additionally, unlike other diets, the 3-day diet doesn’t require you to buy their special delivery meals, or anything like that. Rather, the diet just details a 3-day eating plan that focuses on extremely small proportions of tuna, toast, coffee, fruit, cottage cheese, and a few other items. Although there is not much room for variance with the 3-day diet, it is relatively cheap as its cost is whatever you need to buy at the store. Regardless of what it is, though, people are mostly concerned with whether it works. So, we checked whether it works.

Does it Work?

As with most questions, there’s a long answer and a short answer. For a relatively short answer, the answer is not really. This diet violates the two main rules of thumb when evaluating diets. The first, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, and second, if you cannot adopt this diet for the rest of your life, it’s not a healthy diet. Losing 10 pounds in only 3 days sounds way too good to be true, and no adult could get away with eating 900 calories per day for the rest of their life and find themselves at a healthy point.

Then, for the longer answer, we provide the because to the why. This diet does not work quite like it indicates for a number of reasons.

First, this diet lacks the necessary balance that every person needs in their diet. With such limited proportions and options, it is extremely likely that you will miss some of the vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis. Also, this diet tends to be high in sodium, which is very bad for anyone that wants to lose weight because of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or anything similar.

Second, it is nearly impossible to compliment this diet with exercise, which is crucial for any effective weight loss regimen. It takes energy to exercise, and as you can imagine, eating a mere 900 calories in an entire day will not provide you with a lot of energy. Many websites that suggest this diet even warn that you may feel lethargic and tired while on this diet, and the extremely low caloric intake is exactly why.

Third, there is very little carry over from this diet to the following days. As with most faddy diets, it is highly likely that you will regain the weight in a matter of days. The specific issue with the 3-day diet is it usually causes people to overeat for the 4 days after the diet in order to make up for the extreme lack of energy. This diet is also very difficult to maintain, which means it quickly becomes difficult to maintain the discipline to do as the diet says. Slow and steady wins the race, and this is definitely true with the most effective diets. After all, your impulsive thinking is often one of the main contributors to why you need to go on a diet, so it’s time to drop those habits.

Finally, this diet doesn’t work because you aren’t really losing any fat. The weight you lose in any extremely short term diet is usually water weight and muscle. And, not only does the water weight come right back on, but losing muscle makes your body less efficient at burning calories for effective weight loss and losing muscle also makes you look flabbier than you would’ve look beforehand, which is contradicts one of the reasons why people diet in the first place.

Such an extreme drop in caloric intake can be very unhealthy and dangerous for your body because it’s used to functioning on whatever your normal caloric intake is, and it needs a certain amount of energy to function effectively in general. This diet, at best, might get you very temporary, misleading results, but in the end it does not seem to work that well. If you want to read a little more on the most important aspects of any effective diet, read our blog on How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off. Also, even if this diet does not work, you still might be wondering whether you can lose weight in three days.

So, how much weight can you lose in 3 days?

The answer to this question isn’t so clear-cut as the 3-Day Diet plan, but it is likely more important and truthful. You burn fat and lose weight, generally, by burning more calories than you take in. The common rule of thumb is that a 3,500 calorie-deficit for one week will equate to 1 pound of fat lost in that week. That averages a 500 calorie-deficit per day, but if you truly wanted, you could increase your deficit for a few days. However, always remember that any healthy diet will not go below a 1,200 calorie intake for day. Depending on how active of a person you are, multiply your weight by 13-15 times if you are a male, and 11-13 times if you are a female. This can give you an estimate of how many calories you need to intake every day to maintain your weight. From there, you can better calculate how many calories you can safely cut from your typical diet.

So, assuming you maximally cut your calories while maintaining a health caloric intake, it is possible that you can lose 2-3 pounds in 3 days. However, it is also a possibility that this weight loss might come from your muscles. Additionally, keep in mind that any time you lessen your caloric intake by that amount you are likely to lose a significant amount of water weight as well, which will immediately come back once the diet is finished.

Ultimately, it seems unlikely that you can lose more than just 2-3 pounds of actual, maintainable weight loss in a 3-day period. However, effective and long-term weight loss does not happen overnight, just as you did not put that weight on overnight. It is a slow, difficult process that takes time and effort. Diets that guarantee fast, significant weight loss need to be approached with caution. Any healthy diet should cut your weight no more than 2 pounds a week, maximum. Instead, focus on smaller goals like losing 1 pound per week for 6 months. It might seem like forever, but before you know it you could lose 25-30 pounds in half a year. Just remember, any healthy and effective diet consists of balance, exercise, and good habits. 

Written by: Russell McBurnie

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

How to lose weight and keep it off

Most adults have looked at themselves at some point and thought to themselves, “Wow, I need to start going to the gym.” Although this may be an issue for some more so than others, losing weight and keeping it off is a common struggle for Americans, and it has been for a while. Every person has their own ideal weight, and it’s important to be aware of your weight in general as it correlates highly with your health. Of course, it’s no secret that it’s important to watch your weight to make sure you’re staying healthy, but once you’re overweight and it comes time to lose weight, it can be extremely overwhelming. One of the most important things that makes losing weight a little easier is taking an educated approach to losing weight. So, below we’ve provided information regarding the three most important aspects of an effective weight loss regimen.


One of the most important parts of losing weight and keeping it off is your diet. As tempting as it may be, you should stay away from the trendy and faddy diets as they are typically designed to produce immediate results, and not much thereafter. With most of these diets, you will end up regaining the weight just as quickly as it came off. The issue with faddy diets is they focus too much on particular food groups, which leaves you tired with barely any caloric energy. The lack of energy contributes to giving up quickly on losing weight as well as failing to couple your diet with physical exercise.

The key to any effective diet is balance. Diets are most effective when they don’t cut out any food groups, but focus on cutting the proportions of your balanced diet instead. To help lose weight while maintaining a balance, dieticians recommend minimizing starches, added/artificial sugars, and animal fats found both in meat and dairy. In addition to a healthy, balanced, and proportioned diets, there are other diet tips to help lose weight including eating many vegetables as they make you full, drinking a lot of water for the same reason, removing tempting snack foods from your house, and remembering not to skip meals. It is also important to stay busy in order to prevent eating from boredom. And if you find yourself with too much free time, consider getting a gym membership!


No weight loss regimen works without consistent physical activity to compliment it. This is especially important when it comes to keeping the weight off your body. Most studies report that the best results come from individuals who do physical activity for about an hour per day, and health professionals recommend no less than 30 minutes per day. Any type of exercise is good, but obviously some types work better than others. The best two forms of exercise for weight loss are cardio and strength training. However, in the end, burning more calories than you take in is always the most important aspect of exercising for weight loss.

To begin, cardio is best as it burns the most calories the quickest. Eventually, cardio can be well complimented by a few hours per week of strength training, as building a little muscle will last much longer than just losing weight. Regardless, it is important to keep your body working for the duration of your exercise so remember to keep a good pace to your workouts in order to keep the sweat going and prevent injury. Exercise is crucial to any weight loss regimen, which is why a balanced diet is so important. If you don’t have the proper energy, you can’t work out effectively.

Good Habits:

The last key to losing weight and keeping it off is the development of better habits! After all, many times it is the bad habits that made you overweight in the first place. Good habits will give you the discipline to stay on a healthy, balanced diet, and keep you motivated to go to the gym, so focus on developing good habits. Of course, this is easier said than done, so here’s a few tips to help practicing good habits. For your diet, it’s important to put effort into eating at the table only. Don’t float around the pantry and the refrigerator! To catch yourself from slipping, you could also keep a meal journal to record exactly what you’re eating, and how much. For the gym, set goals. An easy way to develop good habits is to give every trip to the gym a purpose. Set small goals, and as you accomplish your goals more consistently, increase them. This will give you a reason to keep going back, and it might even make your exercises a bit more fun. Regardless of how you do it, it is absolutely integral to any weight loss regimen to develop good habits!

Remember, if it were easy, everyone would do it. However, the unfortunate reality is losing weight can be very hard and keeping it off requires a lot of discipline. But, there are plenty of inspirational stories out there because it is certainly possible. Just focus on small goals that lead to bigger goals, and when the going gets tough, don’t give in! Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for both your short term health and long term health, and being healthy is always something you owe to yourself, so go out there and lose it!

Written by: Russell McBurnie