how much does a boob job cost?

Find Out The Cost of a Boob Job

cost of a boob job, how much does a boob job cost

People undergo many different types of breast surgeries, like breast lifts and breast reductions, but the most popular cosmetic breast surgery is the boob job. Although this may come as no surprise, there are still many things to know about breast augmentation surgery besides the fact that it’s the most popular cosmetic surgery.

1. How much does a boob job cost ON AVERAGE?

Although there is not a single, standard boob job price, they typically cost between $3,000 and $11,000. For people who don’t just have an extra few thousand dollars laying around, there is good news. The average price for boob jobs has been dropping consistently since 2010. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average price of breast implants in 2014 was $3,704. Obviously this is not pocket change, but breast implants used to cost a bit more on average.

2. Why aren't all boob jobs the same price?

Each plastic surgery center has the discretion to price their plastic surgery options. So, there should be no surprise that there’s a bunch of additional fees when you get a boob job no matter what plastic surgery group you choose. While there’s no definitive answer to what additional fees there will be, we can layout the groundwork for things to expect. Each plastic surgery center factors costs for a breast augmentation differently. However, the following may increase the price of the boob job offered at a specific practice: 

3. what factors affect the price of a boob job?