acne scarring treatment

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Many people struggling with how to get rid of scars. And an even further complication is deciding which acne scar treatment is right for you and your unique scars. There are over the counter crèmes that help mild scars fade away and prescription crèmes that a dermatologist will prescribe to help get rid of acne scars. When scars don’t fade naturally it may be time to stop suffering and contact a dermatologist to learn about the treatments available. You can ask them the age old question, "How to get rid of acne scars?" Continue Reading Article >

Where Scars Happen & How To Treat Them

Life might get you down, and if you’re clumsy… life might get you down a little more often than the average person. These accidental injuries can lead to scarring on the body, and other instances such as: surgery, burns, rapid weight gain, intentional harm, illnesses such as chicken pox, and severe acne can also leave unwanted scarring. Whether you are dealing with facing scarring, back scarring, etc., there are various scar treatments that can help your scars.