5 Reasons Why Your Healthcare Practice Needs Twitter

5 reasons your healthcare practice needs twitter

Social media is inescapably a part of our daily lives. Along with an optimized, mobile friendly website, your practice or hospital must be engaged on social media to connect with patients and spread the word about your business. Especially on Twitter as this platform continues to grow its 313 million monthly active users. 

So, why is Twitter the perfect fit for a healthcare practice? Easy. Patients continue to gain more control over their healthcare decisions, so they are spending more time researching and shopping for providers. Here are 5 reasons a Twitter account can ramp up your marketing efforts.

1.     Most importantly, take control of your online reputation

Every health care provider has a presence online, even if they don't realize it. Patients will post reviews on third-party sites and consumers will use the internet to do their due diligence before selecting a provider. If you are contributing original content as formatting the message you want your patients to see, you are taking control of your brand and reputation.

Your Twitter account will come up in search engine results – so stick to positive, educating and engaging content.  Also, Twitter is the perfect opportunity to showcase the positive reviews you've received on Yelp, Google, Facebook, etc.

2.     Connect with patients

While patients might still call your office line to complain or praise about a service they received, consumers are more likely to take their opinions online. They utilize a variety of social media tools, Twitter being no exception. If your practice is on Twitter, you can connect with consumers if they tag you or mention your practice or a specific provider. You have instant access to their feedback and can instantly reach out addressing their concerns. Don’t forget to follow patient privacy guidelines; ask the patient to direct message “DM” their name and phone number so that you can contact them directly to address a complaint.

3.     Stay up-to-date on industry trends, health news and check in on your competition

Many doctors use Twitter as part of a self-promotional strategy for their own brand. But if your practice uses Twitter, it doesn’t mean it needs to be managed or updated by doctors. After all, what physician has time during the day to manage social media? Hand the task over to your marketing manager or administration who can track industry trends, news, and what other local practices are sharing.

4.     Attract more consumers to your website

If you’re already posting content, such as blogs, on your website then kudos to your team! Now share it on Twitter to help drive organic traffic. This is a free way to help push your site to the first page of Google when patients are searching for an OB/GYN in your community. Use the appropriate hashtags to help draw in readers.

5.     Position your practice and providers as thought leaders

Use Twitter to share general health tips, or nutrition and exercise advice for pregnant patients. Your patients will see you as a trusted source and potentially refer a friend. By creating and sharing tips and generic advice, you’re helping to propel your reputation as a thought leader. This also helps engagement with local and national media who are searching for a provider to speak on a health topic.

If your healthcare practice is ready to start out on Twitter, but you're unsure how to manage your profile - schedule a free consultation with our Director of Marketing. Our team is comprised of social media marketing experts that have experience in the healthcare industry, so you can rest assured you'll be in great hands.